California GOP
The American Independent Party
Ted Gaines
California State Board of Equalization
Former CA Senator District 1
Tony Amador
Former US Marshall, LA County Sheriff, Current San Joaquin County Election Advisory Board Chairman
Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association
Senator Shannon Grove
CA Senate District 12
Republican National Hispanic Assembly
San Joaquin Farm Bureau
North Valley Young Republicans
California Rifle and Pistol Association
San Joaquin County CRA
Kevin Kiley
US House of Representatives. California Congressional 3rd District
Cameron Bregman, Lodi City Council
Brad Dacus
President and Founder of Pacific Justice Institute
Toni Ramus
President and Co-Founder of Raymus Homes
Steve Ding
San Joaquin County Board of Supervisor District 4
Moms for America
Latinas United Republican Women
Mike Morrell
Coming Soon
Coming Soon