Why I’m Running
As a San Joaquin County resident for over three decades, I am proud of our Valley Values of strong faith, loving families and hard work. As a husband, father and grandfather, I want to ensure our neighborhoods are safe. That means holding criminals accountable and rescinding soft-on-crime initiatives prioritizing lawbreakers over the law-abiding. As a business owner, I know the onerous burden Sacramento politicians have saddled us with through sky-high taxes and crippling regulations. It is time to get back to commonsense governing. Ensure California students have better educational opportunities while empowering parents to have a greater role in their kid’s education.
While California families struggle to make ends meet, Sacramento politicians continue to pile on. Raising taxes, meddling in our lives and infringing on our everyday freedoms. It is time to reject Sacramento’s special interest class and start doing what is right for working families.
Now is the time to make real change in Sacramento, yet we can’t do this divided; only by working together can we improve the lives of Californians. I look forward to partnering with you to reform our dysfunctional state government and make California a better place for all our families.
God bless,